Pre-K Curriculum


What Children Learn and Do in Pre-K:

The mission of Early Learning In Pre-K is to support  young children to learn and thrive. We value equity, making a positive impact for children and families, dedication, integrity and collective wisdom to benefit children.We work as an integrated team focused on the following:

Developmental Area

Skills and Activities

Social and Emotional

  • Make personal choices

  • Share with classmates

  • Respect self and others

Language and Literacy

  • Explore a wide range of books and stories, including fiction and informational text

  • Build comprehension skills

  • Express thoughts, ideas and opinions

  • Ask and respond to open-ended questions

  • Learn and use new vocabulary words


  • Start writing letters and words

  • Build early writing skills such as illustrating a story or labeling a picture

Math and Science

  • Recognize and understand numbers

  • Identify shapes

  • Take measurements

  • Explore the world through hands-on activities (e.g., cooking, nature walks, studying insects, planting seeds, using magnets)

Social Studies

  • Develop a sense of self and others by exploring how family members and the school community are alike and different

  • Identify people, places and things in familiar environments


  • Draw from observation

  • Experiment with a variety of materials (e.g., clay, paint, chalk)

  • Express ideas through the arts (music, dance, visual)

  • Explore music from around the world


  • Develop muscle groups through physical activity and games

  • Understand the connection between healthy eating and a healthy body