Welcome to Riada American School’s Upper Elementary School! I am anticipating an exciting school year and am looking forward to meeting new students and their families. It is a pleasure to be working with you because I have found that the students and their families at our school are just terrific!
We are also tying in our REACH goals for success this year, with our school's mission statement. We want all of our students to maintain their REACH goals at all times.
Throughout the year, we will be getting to know each other. We will have a busy year in the Upper Elementary School Department. We do a lot of exciting things. We will learn long division, fraction and master our multiplication facts. We will also try some fun science experiments and learn about Egyptian and World history. We also do a lot of reading across different topics.
Two-way communication between home and school is vital to support your child’s education and development. Parents are encouraged to talk with the teacher about their child. Please set up a time with your child’s teacher to hold such discussions. The transition periods when students are entering the classroom or leaving at the end of the day are not the best times to hold in-depth discussions. All teachers want to give you their undivided attention during these conversations, so making an appointment is encouraged. If you are unable to meet in person with your child’s teacher, you can also correspond via e-Connect or telephone.
I want to give a big THANK YOU to our staff for all their efforts this year that will make it run in a smooth, efficient way. Teachers have worked hard getting their rooms organized and ready for our students. Office and custodial staff have also worked extra hard in getting the school clean and ready for a great school year.
I want to say thank you to all our families for the never ending support you give us. You make such a difference in our ability to succeed at RAS. We appreciate all the support you all give each and every year.